What is a Cruise Director? — St. Lawrence Cruise Lines’ Cruise Director Trevor Houle Tells Us

What is a Cruise Director? — St. Lawrence Cruise Lines’ Cruise Director Trevor Houle Tells Us


Cruise Director Trevor Houle Takes Us Behind the Scenes

By Heidi Sarna.

I had an e-chat with Trevor Houle, cruise director and purser for St. Lawrence Cruise Lines to find what it’s like to be the glue that holds a cruise together.

Wearing many hats, a cruise director is the point person, the cog in the wheel if you will, managing passengers, crew and the operation of the vessel.

(Photo credit of Trevor above: Judi Cohen)

QuirkyCruise: How long have you worked at St. Lawrence Cruise Lines (SLCL) as cruise director?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: I have had 10 seasons as cruise director/purser for St. Lawrence Cruise Lines. My first two years were in 1982 and 1983, and the remaining seasons have been in recent years.

My eleventh season starts soon.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle

Cruise Director Trevor Houle. * Photo: Trevor Houle

QuirkyCruise: Please tell us a bit about your career path.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: I attended Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and studied music and theatre. I toured with a theatre company, performed in and directed musical theatre, and have sung in several classical choirs.

In the late 1970s I spent a few years working on the St Lawrence River on day cruises. I worked in different capacities, from deckhand to entertainer to commentator to temporary engineer and mate.

The Canadian Empress came to be in 1981 and moored across the dock from the ship I was working on.

I applied the next season and was hired.

66-pax Canadian Empress

The 66-pax Canadian Empress. * Photo: St Lawrence Cruise Lines

RELATED: A review of the Canadian Empress by Judi Cohen.

RELATED: Check availability for St Lawrence Cruise Lines’ 2023 & 2024 season, HERE.

QuirkyCruise: Do you sing aboard Canadian Empress?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: Yes, I have been known to sing on board, in the bus on the way to an attraction, and even at an attraction, always to fill in time or keep the passengers amused.

I am not officially part of the evening entertainment, but you never know when the entertainers may invite me to join in.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle singing

Trevor Houle singing. * Photo: Trevor Houle

QuirkyCruise: What are your favorite parts of the job? What makes you come back for more each season?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: I come back to the ship for the passengers, the crew, the river.

I consider it my responsibility to ensure each and every passenger has had the most enjoyable and most unforgettable holiday ever and at the conclusion of the cruise, tell me they will return.

That’s my favourite part.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle & passengers waving from deck

Cruise Director Trevor Houle & passengers waving from the top deck of Canadian Empress. * Photo: St Lawrence Cruise Lines

QuirkyCruise: Do you dine with passengers? If so, who gets the lucky chance to have you at their table?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: Yes, I sometimes dine with the passengers and an invite is all it takes, as long as I am clear of my other duties.

It’s not an everyday thing though. The captain and mate, for instance, dine with passengers on the final evening if the ship is secure to the dock.

Judi Cohen shared a meal with Cruise Director Trevor Houle on her Canadian Empress cruise.

Passenger and writer Judi Cohen shared a meal with Cruise Director Trevor Houle on her Canadian Empress cruise. * Photo: Lawrence Cohen

QuirkyCruise: As you wear many hats on board Canadian Empress. What have you done behind-the-scenes that might surprise us?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: I have a full day with my duties but necessity dictates, and sometimes you have to step in to help.

And so I have had to bartend, help with the navigation crew and even had to cook on a cruise for three days, with help of course, while still being the cruise director/purser.

QuirkyCruise: Are you the only cruise director/purser for Canadian Empress?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: There are two cruise directors/pursers. Katie Patterson is my counterpart.

We all work long hours every day on the cruise, so we are onboard every other cruise.

Cruise on, cruise off. If somebody is unwell, we all help to fill in where possible.

QuirkyCruise: Is there a special memory with a guest you recall?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: The 66-passenger Canadian Empress is a small ship and is quite intimate. By the end of a cruise, many passengers become friendly and some even make lifelong friendships.

I have made friendships with passengers. That is special to me.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle

Cruise Director Trevor Houle. * Photo: Judi Cohen

QuirkyCruise: What are the most challenging aspects of your job?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: The daily routines that are out of my control are the most challenging.

Is the seaway open, will the busses show up, is the attraction open?

Everything has been set up before the cruising season starts. but we always have to go with the “flow” so to speak.

QuirkyCruise: What is your favorite port or stretch of landscape on the St Lawrence?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: I would have to say that Kingston is my favourite port.  If I’m in Kingston, I’m either leaving on a cruise or returning home.

The river and scenery are amazing and you see something different every cruise, every day. The same holds true for each port. And, no, I never tire of the ports or scenery.

Canadian Empress at Kingston.

Canadian Empress at Kingston. * Photo: St Lawrence Cruise Lines

RELATED: The ports and highlights along the St Lawrence Seaway.

QuirkyCruise: On a typical day, when do you get up in the morning and when do you turn in?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: On a typical day, wait……. there are no typical days.

However, I usually get up at 6:30am to be at the dining room by 7am.

I go to bed after all the passengers go to bed, midnight or so, right after I delivery the “EmPRESS,” our daily newsletter to every stateroom.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle

Cruise Director Trevor Houle doing his thing. * Photo: Trevor Houle

QuirkyCruise: What do you think your best qualities are as a cruise director?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: I care about the passengers, the crew, the company and the ship.

And I pay attention to detail, have a good sense of humour and I love to entertain.

I think those are my best qualities.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle and crew.

Cruise Director Trevor Houle and crew. * Photo: St Lawrence Cruise Lines

QuirkyCruise: Finish this sentence: I smile when a guest asks me _____?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: When they ask me the most-asked question, which is … What do you do in the off-season?

My first answer is SLEEP, then I elaborate.

QuirkyCruise: Ok so I have to ask … what do you really do in the off-season ?

Cruise Director Trevor Houle: The cruising season is about six months long, but there is plenty to do onboard and in the office after and before the cruising season.

As cruise director and purser, my duties also include inventories, manual updates, entertainer schedules, daily routine revamps and attending job fairs to source new crew.

I might have three or so months off to recharge the batteries.

QuirkyCruise: Thank you Trevor!

Interested in a Canadian Empress Cruise?

Consider a Canadian Empress cruise for your next holiday and meet Trevor Houle in the flesh!

Check out 2023 & 2024 availability HERE.

Read more about what to expect on a Canadian Empress St Lawrence Seaway cruise.


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About The Author

Heidi Sarna

I've cruised on 100+ ships of all shapes and sizes all over the world, and it's the small quirky ones that I have always loved the most. My first small-ship cruises in Alaska, the Caribbean and southeast Asia got me hooked and so QuirkyCruise.com was born!

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Heidi and Ted HEIDI SARNA

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I have traveled between all continents by sea and cruised along three dozen rivers. Ships and travel are in my blood, and so is writing. My journeys have translated into many books and many hundreds of articles.


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