QuirkyCruise Reader Review: National Geographic Endeavour II in the Galapagos (LINDBLAD) by Sapna R.

QuirkyCruise Reader Review: National Geographic Endeavour II in the Galapagos (LINDBLAD) by Sapna R.

National Geographic Endeavour II in the Galapagos


Sapna Rao from Singapore.


Lindblad Expeditions.


National Geographic Endeavour II.


The Galapagos.




June 2018, from Ecuador.


5 out of 5 stars (5=excellent, 4=very good, 3=good, 2=poor, 1=terrible)

-Food Rating: 3

-Cabin Rating: 3

-Service/Crew Rating: 5

-Itinerary Rating: 4




I was very impressed overall with the cruise. The staff was very adept at their respective jobs, be it a part of the crew on board, to each of the naturalists that accompanied us on the excursions.

I would recommend the cruise for families as there is something for everybody, particularly if you are a nature lover.

QuirkyCruise Review




🐧 QuirkyCruise.com’s Lindblad Expeditions Review

Based in New York, Lindblad Expeditions has a long legacy dating back to Lars-Eric Lindblad’s pioneering expeditions to Antarctica, Easter Island and the Galapagos beginning in the mid-1960s. In the intervening years, the firm, under the leadership of his son, Sven-Olaf Lindblad, has expanded its fleet and ship charters to basically blanket the world for those in search of an adventure by sea. Destinations are expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica; natural history and wildlife cruises to the Galapagos, Indonesia and Borneo; cultural and historical voyages to the British Isles, Greek Isles and Morocco, revived cruise tours to Ancient Egypt — the list goes on and on. The joint venture with the National Geographic Society established in 2004 expanded Lindblad’s passenger base and drew on the Society’s expertise; especially its photographers who enrich the pages of National Geographic magazine and National Geographic Traveler. As a four-time passenger I have always had the strong sense that the expedition and enrichment staff genuinely want to bring you absolutely the best experience possible. The large number on every voyage makes a huge difference in having them readily at hand when ashore or in Zodiacs and providing a rich variety of expertise. You are also paying big bucks for the best.

In January 2017, Lindblad took delivery of the 96-passenger NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ENDEAVOUR II to replace the long-serving N. G. ENDEAVOUR  in the Galapagos. Read more.


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About The Author


Ted & Heidi are long-time travel writers with a penchant for small ship cruising. Between them they've traveled all over the world aboard hundreds and hundreds of small cruise ships of all kinds, from river boats to expedition vessels and sailing ships.

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Heidi and Ted HEIDI SARNA

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I have traveled between all continents by sea and cruised along three dozen rivers. Ships and travel are in my blood, and so is writing. My journeys have translated into many books and many hundreds of articles.


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